We may be told of the enriched value that music making can offer to our lives and with increasing research, understand how learning a musical instrument develops the brain, social skills, creativity, discipline, relieves stress, builds confidence and develops transferable skills for other activities in our lives including school learning, but value for money must also be accounted for so as not to see instrumental music lessons becoming a luxury item available only to the few. For most lessons, it will be the parents who will be paying, and in some cases, subsidised by the school or with some government funding. This is a unique exchange, where the parents are paying for something that they are not directly receiving. As it is rare for a parent to sit in on the child’s lesson, the parent’s perception of value for money is observed through the experience of the child away from the lesson.
Students that are motivated to practise and understand how to get the most from their practice, will make enjoyable progress. They will want to learn more and will learn it quicker. Rather than practising in the lesson, they will attend lessons having practised, ready to develop their skills further.
Professionalism and effectiveness of the teaching A further indicator for parents to observe value for money is the professionalism of the service and the effectiveness of the teaching that the music teacher and schools/music services are offering. Regardless of how one becomes an effective teacher, be it learnt, gained through experience or instinctive, ultimately, effective teaching aims to guide and inspire the student to become self-learners including the use of effective practice skills. Is the teacher organised and keeping both students and parents informed? This is reflected through the effectiveness of the communication link between the teacher, student and parent. How informed are the parents? It is a perfectly natural behaviour of a parent to want to support their children, especially in the early stages of learning. What is my child working towards? How and what should they be practising? When is their next lesson and how are they getting on? How can a we help? Adding value to your music lessons, mymusicpb.com offers an interactive practice book that organises and links the teacher’s planning, notes and assessments with the student’s practice focus and term targets, while keeping students engaged through an interactive practice book and parents informed through an effective and secure communication link. As an online application, teachers, students and parents have access from any laptop, tablet or smartphone. All data is kept on a secure server with encrypted access and not stored on personal devises, complying with Data Protection requirements, including the new GDPR regulations.
Every student is unique including how they learn, show their progress, what they want from their lessons and what they gain from the experience, but if parents are observing value for money based on the engagement of their children and the professionalism of the service, then teachers would benefit from accessing an effective communication link with an interactive practice book that supports and compliments the effectiveness of their teaching, engages the students and informs the parents. Ultimately, you will know the true value of the learning as it reflects through the shared enjoyment and enrichment that music making offers to us all. For further support and resources on efficient music learning, please follow us on twitter and visit mymusicpb.com |
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