Your Virtual Music Teaching Studio
Designed for Peripatetic and Private Studio Teaching
Select register to set up a teacher account
with free access to MyMusicPB. Automatically generated email after completing the lesson
to parents of school aged students/adult students with their Lesson Practice Notes *Parents no longer required to register.
Please ask Parents/Adult student what email address to use. |
1 Efficient note keeping and admin, saving you more time.
2 Input and edit your lesson notes anytime, from any laptop, tablet or smartphone.
3 Customised Invoicing solutions.
4 Supports Individual and group lessons
5 Supports students with multiple instruments, teachers and family members.
6 Planning is easier and more efficient having access to the student's practice notes.
10 Improved lesson attendance and progress with scheduling and notifications.*
7 Send emails and receive messages within the program.*
8 Flexibility to input as much or as little information as you wish.*
9 Improved communication link, keeping you, your students and parents more informed.*